martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

Publicidad Machista / Actividade pola Igualdade de Xénero e Coeducación

Fai un comentario  a esta entrada , analizando un dos anuncios. Usa os criterios explicados na aula.

publicidad machista

Os estereotipos de xénero comezan a aflorar moi cedo na vida das persoas, arredor dos  5 anos de idade, os rapaces e rapazas aínda non parecen deixarse influenciar polos roles de xénero. A partir do sexto ano de vida esto cambia.

Isto amosa a importancia que ten a cultura e a educación que recibimos nos primeiros anos de vida na conformación dos prexuízos asociados aos diferentes roles que mulleres e homes teñen na sociedade. Son produto de construcións sociais e culturais nun contorno patriarcal.  A maioría de nos somos inconscientes do interiorizado que temos eses estereotipos e de como acaban por condicionar as nosas vidas e mesmo poden derivar en violencias que impidan que nos desenvolvamos claramente como persoas. Por isto todos  e todas debemos intentar modificar os  patróns de comportamento, sendo conscientes destes estereotipos para garantir a todo o noso alumando as mesmas oportunidades e os mesmos dereitos na sociedade.

elpais/mujeres/los goya

A violencia contras as mulleres maniféstase de formas distintas segundo as culturas e os momentos sociopolíticos, pero é algo que ocorre todos os días, porque todos os días se abusa, se humilla, se agride, se viola, se explota e se matan mulleres; e, porén, esta violencia estivo invisibilizada e negada como problema social ata hai unhas décadas.
As características básicas da violencia de xénero son as seguintes:
-Está fundada nunha desigualdade entre homes e mulleres derivada dun
código patriarcal.
-É unha forma de violencia dunha elevada invisibilidade social.
-Emprégase como un mecanismo de control e castigo sobre a muller.
-Xera sentimento de culpa en quen a sofre.
-Xera unha relación na que tanto agresor como vítima quedan atrapados: o
poder, dun lado e o medo e a submisión, doutro.
As condicións que se deben cumprir para ser considerada violencia de xénero
O AGRESOR: sempre é un home.
A VÍTIMA: sempre é unha muller.
A CAUSA: as relaciones de poder entre os sexos pola socialización
(dominación do home e
submisión da muller).
O OBXECTIVO: o control e odominio das mulleres

A continuación, unha curtametraxe Subir y bajar , que reflicte a terrible situación de chantaxe emocional e presión psicolóxica que sofre unha muller cando o seu maltratador (ao que deixou) chama ao portal da súa casa.
Os efectos da violencia psicolóxica, a dependencia emocional ... son demoledores para a muller vítima. Aínda que neste caso todo apunta a que xa se interpuxo denuncia, e mesmo parece que hai orde de afastamento, podemos imaxinarnos que vai ocorrer cando suba, non? Aínda despois das denuncias, cantas mulleres seguen sendo maltratadas (e mesmo asasinadas...

Aquí tedes unha ligazón ao discurso que Emma Watson pronunciou na sede central da Organización
de Nacións Unidas en Nova York no marco da campaña HeForShe (“Eles por elas”).

"> Actividad pola Igualdade de Xénero e Coeducación

56 comentarios:

    Tanto neste anuncio coma no de Dolce&Gabanna, utilízase á muller como reclamo. Nestes anuncios represéntase á muller como xoguete sexual e, por conseguinte, como unha posesión coa que, neste caso os homes, poden facer o que queiran. En ámbolos dous anuncios se ve a escena dunha violación en grupo. Algo que nin sequera pensó que teña moito que ver co produto que se trata de vender. Creo que simplemente buscan chamar a atención do público masculino dun xeito tan doado como o é utilizar a sexualidade. Polo tanto, o que se fai nestes anuncios é representar a superioridade do home que fai coas mulleres o que quere. Algo totalmente erróneo que ten que cambiar, pero isto só o conseguiremos se todos aportamos algo a esta loita contra a violencia de xénero; porque aínda que pareza que vai a menos, o número de vítimas aumenta.

    1. In this advertisement and in the Dolce&Gabanna one, they use women to catch the attention of men. . In these advertisements, women are used as sexual objects and,as a result, as a possession, which, in this case, men can do what they want with. Both advertisements show the scene of a gang rape. That´s something that I think it has nothing to do with the product which they want to sell. I think they are just trying to catch the attention of male public using something as basic as sexuality. Therefore, these kinds of advertisements represent the superiority of men and how they do whatever they want with women. That´s something that is absolutely wrong that has to change, but this is only posible if everyone provide something to fight against gender violence; beacuse although it seems to decrease, the number of victims is increasing.

  2. numero 7 apartado 2 : neste anuncio aparece unha aspiradora e unha lavadora, no que represanta a muller para limpar, a sociedade e machista e cree que as mulleres so saben limpar e facer os labores da casa.

  3. numero 5: neste anuncio están utilizando a muller com un obxecto non como una muller

  4. number 3 the image that I chose was one of the most shocking. In the photo you see the face of a man who thinks that women are similar to objects. In the photo, the women is drawn and is not able to leave (it is like prison fot her) The women is sad.

  5. Adriana Regueira 3ºA
    Number 10 In this advertisment treated the an less than the man. Pretend make a difference between the cars: "woman´s cars" and "man´s cars". Says that woman are worst drivers, a gender stereotype that is not true.

    1. this advertisement shows that the man is superior than the woman. it pretends that ¨men´s¨ cars are different than ´´women´s´´. it says that women are worse drivers than men...

  6. In the second advertisement, there is a man walking on a woman, as she was a carpet and the title of this picture is "It's nice to have a girl around the house". From my point of view, this advert shows a lot od sexim because it presents the idea of women as housewifes. These type of advertisement is very common because there are a lot of brands, that only show the domestic side of women.
    Moreover, they also present the superoriaty of man.
    Nowadays, this idea present in some adverts but, afortunately, it is not that exagerated as in this example. I hope that sexism will disappear soon.

    1. I hope so. Everybody should be aware of stereotypes that condition our life

    2. In the second advertisement, there is a man walking on a woman, like she was a carpet and the title of this picture is "It's nice to have a girl around the house". From my point of view, this advert shows a lot of sexim because it presents the idea that women as housewives. These types of advertisements are very common because there are a lot of brands that only show the domestic side of women.
      Moreover, they also present the idea of superiority of men.
      Nowadays, this idea is present in some adverts but, fortunately, it is not that exagerated as in this example. I hope that sexism will disappear soon.

  7. The third ad can see a woman holding a kepchup boat and pointing to the top.
    It is easy to see how the woman is treated as "the weak" and the man is treated as "the strong."
    In society the woman has a position inferior to the man and in this announcement reflects very well that idea that we have been putting in the head over the years.

    1. So, the ad is talking about gender roles based on society patriarchal where man and woman have not the same rights.

    2. In the third ad you can see (ketchup)bottle. the weak person. women have....and this announcement reflects the idea that has been put in our heads over the years.

  8. María Calvete Tasende 3º A

    In the draw number 5 call Ricardo y Nacho, we can see that the dad are having a row with his son because he hits his sister, but the sees that he were playing mums and dads, so we can tell that children are doing the same as their parents.

    In this draw we can see perfectilly that children at the home will think that hit women is normal, but it doesn't.

    1. That is one the reasons to talk about gender violece at shools, to say to everybody that is not normal.

  9. In one of these ads the woman is in the kitchen trying the food and partly personified in spaguetti, to me it seems to me that it is sexist because it shows that the woman is always in charge of the kitchen, that is why the tasks of the House and that does not seem ethical to me since a man can do it too.

    1. I agree with you. The ad is talking about gender roles based on society patriarchal where man and woman have different rights, status and consideration.

    2. in one of these ads a woman is in the kitchen trying food, (partly personified by spaghetti???) it shows that women are always in charge of the kitchen and housework....

  10. stereotypes begin when you're small as shown in these videos. If you want to really stop the violence of gender have to educate children to stop the deaths of mens and womans

    1. Yes , of course, that is the objective of this blog.

    2. young. gender violence you have to and womEn


    Number 8: either in the advertisement as anywhere where there is something you have to see that the house you will always find one or more women presenting.
    And macho but all normally and an announcement is always a woman as sexual object.
    this ad wants to represent the woman needs energy to clean all fine

    1. Everybody needs energy to clean, not only women. You should review the ad and its meaning.

  12. both in the advertisement and anywhere related to the home, you will always find women and strong men PRESENT. In advertisements, women are shown as sexual objects. This ad wants to show that women need energy to clean well.


    the picture explain for the womans were happy the mens have to give a preset for she is very happy. A woman can be happy with another prest for example clothes, holidays...

    1. This picture explains for women to be happy men have to give them presents. Women will be happy with other presents not only household things.


    In this picture, I can see a woman with a bottle of salsa and the advertisement recomend you buy this item because it is easy to open because even a woman can open.
    This advertisement means the women are more weak than men.

    1. Reccomends that you buy--even a woman can open it. means that women are weaker than men..

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    This ad,represents how over the years and now,some people,think that girls can't do anything.
    For example that we can't even open a kétchup buttle,but it isn't true .

  17. In this ad appears a girl cleaning the floor on her knees to announce a brand of cleaning products, and is macho because, why can not a man clean the floor?
    The only thing these ads do is encourage more machismo and dirty the image of women.

    1. In this ad, there is a girl advertise a brand...and IT is sexist because..more sexism and ruin the image of women.

    I thinnk that this addare a lot gender violence because it' is a mistreatment very serius to treat a woman like that

    1. ad has a lot of gender violence in it because it is a very serious way to mistreat women like that.

  19. dario suarez maceiras 3ºC ad.7.
    Verbal violence also exists in gender violence and can be worse than physical violence.

  20. in this add we see several men abusing a woman
    I think this announcement may not be so because instead of being a woman surrounded by men could be a man surrounded by women anuncio 11

    1. In this AD...i think this advertisement may not be a good example because instead ¨...¨

  21. number 7 section 2: this announcement appears a vacuum cleaner and a washing machine, in which repression woman to clean, and chauvinistic society and believes that women know so clean and make the household duties.

  22. In this advertisement there is a vacuum... this represents the repression of women with cleaning....and says that women know how to clean and do household duties.

  23. Lidia González Guillín 3ºB
    In the advertisement where the Valentine´s gift for a woman is a washing machine, we can see that the woman only serves to do the housekeeping and take care of children. Currently, it´s still happening so we must fight for women´s rights to be the same as men´s rights.

  24. Drawing number 10
    In this drawing there are two people, one woman and one man. The woman is healing the man's hurt hand while he is reading a newspaper. I think it means that women always have to be at home and they have to do everything that men say to them.

    I think ad has a lot of gender violence in it because it is a very serious way to mistreat women like that.
    he trate her like an object because the man thinks that the women it's begind the man.

  26. Jessy Brandón Suárez 3ºB Nº4
    In the advertisement of “2008 Stil vodka ofrecía a los hombres un viaje a Rusia para elegir una novia rusa” they treat the woman as an object, in the photograph, We can observe how the woman cleans squatting and is treated as an object to cleanse and do household chores and be not valued as a person, what the ad tries to convey is that if you get that prize you will have a woman as a man wanted to submissive and do the housework and don´t replicate. Another machistes aspect is to treat the woman like a prize or an achievement.

  27. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  28. Laura Arnoso López 3C
    I think that this advertisement are very machist and intense,becase use the woman like a object or felt less than the boys.It is incorrect and se have yo stop

  29. Xoquín Pérez Blanco 3ºA
    I think that the 5th image of "El País" is very true because kids copy all the thigs that their parents do. And if between the parents are gender violence their kids will normalize that.

  30. In the image of Tom we can see a woman who is naked. This advertisement want to tell us that the woman must to be men's servant. Is a perfect example of sexism in famous advertisements. I am against because the women have to have same rights that the men.

  31. Roi Pazos Rodríguez 3º B

    Advertisement Dolce Gabanna :

    Dolce y Gabanna is an Italian advertisement about a group of men;one of them standing on top a lady.
    In this advertisement a group of men are mistreating a woman. This is bad, becouse the mens can´t use the woman as if she is their toy.

  32. Ana Martínez Lema 3ºC

    Advertisement nº1:

    A man is treading a woman as she was a carpet and he can do whenever he wants.
    This advertisement tell us that men can do all they want with women

    I choose ad number seven. I´m against gender violence and sexist ideology. This adverticement sample us the idea about the woman works of people in the past. But currently some people thinks the same like in the last century, the girs can do another things like clean or raising children. We have to change they wrong ideology!

    I identify myself a lot with the image 5 Because when I was 6-10 I saw this every day And I do not wish any of this to any living being I want to finish this way of being and raising children Because if you raise the children so they will come out macho and with this way of thinking as shown in the picture

    I chose ad number 10 of the first link. This avertisement want to tell us the women are bad driving and if they can driving, mens too and better. Is a clear example of sexism


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