Bienvenidas , benvidas , wellcome
Bienvenidos, ven chegados , wellcome...a todos, todas e todes
Este novo curso estará cheo de novidades e espero que empecedes con ilusión e ganas
Este novo curso estará cheo de novidades e espero que empecedes con ilusión e ganas
Materiais curso 20-21
MATERIAIS E RECURSOS DIDACTICOS para todas e todos. Se tedes cousas na casa traédelas e as vemos. Intentade reutilizar e aproveitar materiais de outros cursos.
-Cartafol de papel ou cartulina para meter o vosos traballos.
Recomendo ter unha caixa ( tipo zapatos) para ter todo os materiais
Recomendo ter unha caixa ( tipo zapatos) para ter todo os materiais
Lapis de cores acuarelables
Témperas (branco, amarelo, maxenta, cián) en tubo
Acuarelas (amarelo, maxenta, cián) en tubo ( só 3º, 4º ESO e DA Bach.)
Goma e sacapuntas
3 pinceis (0, 08,12) e Paletina (só Bach.)
Lapis 2H
Lapis 2B
Trapo limpo ( que teñades na casa, podedes reutilizar unha camiseta vella)
Recipiente pequeno para o auga de plástico(2 unidades)
Paleta (de plástico )
Bata de traballo ( opcional, pode ser unha camiseta ou camisa vella)
Periódicos e revistas
Memoria extraíble
Caderno de debuxo con márxenes
Ademáis o alumnado de Debuxo Artístico necesitará
Carpeta de 50x70 cm.
Lapis brandos
Gomas brandas y moldeables
Plumiñas e palilleiro
Tinteiro con tinta negra
Papel para acuarela y técnicas húmidas
Papel debuxo
Fixador para carbón
O alumnado de Debuxo técnico
Goma e sacapuntas
Lapis 2H
Os alumnos/as, deberán facerse con su propio material para que a posta en práctica da programación sexa óptima. De tódolos xeitos, o departamento facilitará no posible algúns deles.
Art3º ESO
Folder of paper or cardboard (to put your work)
I recommend having a box (shoe type) to have all the materials in the classroom
Measuring tools (Ruler) about 3Ocm
Drawing tools (Set square, )
Watercolor colored pencils
Tempera or gouache painting (white, yellow, magenta, cyan) in tube
Watercolors (yellow, magenta, cyan) in tube
Rubber and sharpener
3 art brushes (small , medium , big) work with water
Graphite pencil 2H
Graphite pencil 2B
Clean cloth (you have at home, you can reuse an old t-shirt)
Small plastic water container (2 units)
Pallet (plastic)
Work coat (optional, may be an old shirt or shirt)
Newspapers and magazines
Removable memory
Drawing notebook with margins
Students must have their own material for the implementation of the programming. They will be able to share the watercolor pencils, markers, watercolors and gouache. In any case, the department will facilitate some of them. If you have any problems with the materials, do not hesitate to comment to the teacher.
I recommend having a box (shoe type) to have all the materials in the classroom
Measuring tools (Ruler) about 3Ocm
Drawing tools (Set square, )
- Remember "square": right angled isosceles triangle 45º-45º-90º
- Remember "right" angled scalene triangle 30º-60º-90º
Watercolor colored pencils
Tempera or gouache painting (white, yellow, magenta, cyan) in tube
Watercolors (yellow, magenta, cyan) in tube
Rubber and sharpener
3 art brushes (small , medium , big) work with water
Graphite pencil 2H
Graphite pencil 2B
Clean cloth (you have at home, you can reuse an old t-shirt)
Small plastic water container (2 units)
Pallet (plastic)
Work coat (optional, may be an old shirt or shirt)
Newspapers and magazines
Removable memory
Drawing notebook with margins
Students must have their own material for the implementation of the programming. They will be able to share the watercolor pencils, markers, watercolors and gouache. In any case, the department will facilitate some of them. If you have any problems with the materials, do not hesitate to comment to the teacher.
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