sábado, 6 de marzo de 2021


8M Celebrando o día da muller

Quen coida quen?

As mulleres das nosas vidas: as avoas.

Sabes a que se adicou a túa avoa? que facía no seu tempo libre? Ía á discoteca? Como coñeceu a súa parella ? Casaron ? E despois que? Traballou na casa ? E fóra dela? Nos dous sitios? Coidou dos fillos e fillas? Impórtache? E , temos fotos dela?

Este proxecto trata de buscar fotografías anteriores a 1970 nas que poidamos ver aspectos da nosa herdanza cultural. Falando coas nosas familias e pedindo permiso, lembrar coas nosas avoas e nais eses intres que están documentados nas fotos de familia. Con estas imaxes somos quen de compartir parte da nosa herdanza cultural que case está desaparecida para as novas xeracións. Esas expresións culturais nas cales as nosas avoas foron as protagonistas.

Trátase de buscar imaxes dos albums familiares que conten manifestacións e experiencias non coñecidas para o alumnado. A xente nova debe coñecer o seu pasado e ser quen de interpretalo . Neste proxecto de transmisión de imaxes , cremos necesario que as familias se impliquen para axudar a entender o contexto no que foron feitas as fotos. Isto levará os nosos estudantes a establecer contacto cos maiores xa que a través da súa necesaria axuda que necesitan para facer esta tarefa, conectarán coas súas avoas para establecer un interese polo seu pasado e as nosas tradicións .

O alumnado pode escoller entre inglés ou galego para expresar esas ideas a través dun texto

Who takes care of who?

The women in our lives: grandmothers

Do you know what your grandmother did? What was her leisure time like? Did she use to go to the disco? How did she meet your grandfather? How did they get married? And after that, what? Did she take care of the children? Did she work at home, away or both? Do you care? and do you have any photos?

Talking to the family, and asking for permission, we look for old photographs (before 1970) in which we can learn about aspects of the cultural heritage that is documented in family photographs. With these images we access a good part of cultural expressions that have already disappeared or are already unknown to the new generations. These cultural expressions which our grandmothers starred.

Images from family albums contain many of these manifestations and experiences that may be unfamiliar to students. Younger people need to know their recent past and be able to interpret it. In this work of transmission and experience of the images, the involvement of the family is necessary to help understand the contexts where the documented cultural expressions took place.

We also want the students to maintain contact with their elders. Through the help that students need to do this task, a connection is established with their grandmothers and an interest in their past and our traditions is created.

Students can choose between English or Galician to express these ideas through a text.

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