miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020



An internet meme, more commonly known simply as a meme (/mm/ MEEM), is a type of meme that is spread via the Internet, often through social media platforms and especially for humorous purposes. Memes can spread from person to person via social networksblogs, direct email, or news sources. 

topic: Protocolo de actuación COVID-19 do IES Eusebio da Guarda (actualización do 8 de outubro).

 You can do it with this apps or another ones

Take your own photo and add the text. 



lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

Who cares who? The women of our lives: grandmothers

 Do you know what your grandmother did? How was your leisure time? Were they going to the disco? How was it to fall in love with your grandfather? How did they get married? And after what? Did you take care of the children? Did you work at home, away or on both sides? Do you care? and do you have photos from that?

Look at how this artist pays homage to our grandmothers

JosebaMuruzábal homenajea a las supermujeres del entorno rural deGalicia

Joseba M. galicia-rural

And what are we going to do?

P1A. It consists of retrieving old photos owned by families, in which the grandmothers appear, digitizing them and writing a text related to the image.

Talking to the family, and asking for permission, we look for old photographs (before 1970) in which we can learn about aspects of the cultural heritage that is documented in family photographs. With these images we access a good part of cultural expressions that have already disappeared or are already unknown to the new generations. These cultural expresions wich our grandmothers were starring .

Intangible heritage consists mainly of knowledge, techniques, forms of organization or collective expression along with festive and family manifestations. It is located in the practices of daily life that are carried out by members of society and that have in the families the basic core.

Intangible culture is one that is experienced by bearers and, as such, is documented from the beginnings of photography. Images from family albums contain many of these manifestations and experiences that may be unfamiliar to students. Younger people need to know their recent past and be able to interpret it.

In this work of transmission and experience of the images, the involvement of the family is necessary to help understand the contexts where the documented cultural expressions took place and from there the students understand and express the image in a short text (maximum length 250 words in Galician Language). http://escolasnasondas.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Diptico_GAL.pdf


P1B .The women of our life ... discovering the importance of women's work in our society through Galician art. It consists of looking for works by Galician plastic artists that represent the role of your grandmother in society. We will look for a PAINTING , we will make the technical file (data sheet) and a brief explanation about the work She was doing. Who cares who?

Once done we will make a digital mural (Padlet) with all the pictures.

Choose your favorite artwork and write the data sheet: 

Name of Artist:
Title of Artwork:
Year Completed:
Dimensions (cm):
Owner /Institution

Quen coida quen? As mulleres das nosas vidas: as Aboas

Sabes a que se adicaba a túa aboa? Como pasaba o seu tempo de lecer? Ían a discoteca? Como foi iso de namorarse do abó? Como casaron? E despois que? Coidouo dos fillos? Traballou na casa , fora ou nos dous lados? Coidouche? e ten fotos daquela?

E que imos a facer nós?

P1. Consiste en recuperar fotos antigas que posúen as familias, nas que aparezan as aboas, dixitalizalas e redactar un texto relacionado coa imaxe.

Falando coa familia, e pedindo permiso, búscanse fotografías antigas 
( anterior 1970) nas que podamos coñecer aspectos do patrimonio cultural que se encontra documentado nas fotografías familiares. Con estas imaxes accédese a unha boa parte de expresións culturais que xa desapareceron ou que xa son descoñecidas polas novas xeracións. 

O patrimonio inmaterial é constituído principalmente por coñecementos, técnicas, formas de organización ou de expresión colectiva xunto coas manifestacións festivas e familiares. Está localizado nas prácticas da vida cotiá que son realizadas polo membros da sociedade e que teñen nas familias os núcleos básicos. A cultura inmaterial é aquela que é vivenciada polas persoas portadoras e, como tal, está documentada desde os inicios da fotografía.

As imaxes dos álbums familiares conteñen moitas destas manifestacións e vivencias que poden ser descoñecidas polo alumnado . Precísase que a xente máis nova coñeza o seu pasado recente e que sexa quen de interpretalo. Neste labor de transmisión e vivencia das imaxes é necesaria a implicación da familia para axudar a comprender os contextos onde se produciron as expresións culturais documentadas e a partires de ahí o alumnado  entenda  e exprique a imaxe nun breve texto 
( extensión máxima 250 verbas).

P2 .As mulleres da nosa vida... descubrindo a importancia do traballo das mulleres na nosa sociedade a través da arte galega. 
Consiste en buscar obras de artistas plásticos galegos que representen o papel da túa aboa  na sociedade. 

Buscaremos unha obra, faremos a ficha técnica e unha breve expricación sobre o taballo que realizaba. Unha vez feito faremos un mural dixital ( Padlet) con todos os cadros.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020

Darse de alta na aula virtual do centro

Materiais curso 20-21

Bienvenidas , benvidas , wellcome

Bienvenidos, ven chegados  , wellcome...a todos, todas  e todes 
Este novo curso estará cheo de novidades e espero que empecedes con ilusión e ganas

Materiais curso 20-21

MATERIAIS E RECURSOS DIDACTICOS para todas e todos. Se tedes cousas na casa traédelas e as vemos. Intentade reutilizar e aproveitar materiais de outros cursos.

    -Cartafol de papel ou cartulina para meter o vosos traballos.
    Recomendo ter unha caixa ( tipo zapatos) para ter todo os materiais 
    Regra MINIMO 3OCM
    Lapis de cores acuarelables
    Témperas (branco, amarelo, maxenta, cián) en tubo
    Acuarelas (amarelo, maxenta, cián) en tubo ( só 3º, 4º ESO e DA Bach.)
    Goma e sacapuntas
    3 pinceis (0, 08,12) e Paletina (só Bach.)
    Lapis 2H
    Lapis 2B
    Trapo limpo ( que teñades na casa, podedes  reutilizar unha camiseta vella)
    Recipiente pequeno para o auga de plástico(2 unidades)
    Paleta (de plástico )
    Bata de traballo ( opcional, pode ser unha camiseta ou camisa vella)
    Periódicos e revistas
    Memoria extraíble
    Caderno de debuxo con márxenes

    Ademáis o alumnado de Debuxo Artístico necesitará 
    Carpeta de 50x70 cm.
    Lapis brandos
    Gomas brandas y moldeables
    Plumiñas e palilleiro
    Tinteiro con tinta negra
    Papel para acuarela y técnicas húmidas
    Papel debuxo
    Fixador para carbón 

    O alumnado de Debuxo técnico
    Regra MINIMO 4OCM
    Goma e sacapuntas
    Lapis 2H

    Os alumnos/as, deberán facerse con su propio material para que a posta en práctica da programación sexa óptima. De tódolos xeitos, o departamento facilitará no posible algúns deles.

    Art3º ESO


    Folder of paper or cardboard (to put your work)
    I recommend having a box (shoe type) to have all the materials in the classroom

    Measuring tools (Ruler) about 3Ocm
    Drawing tools (Set square, )

    • Remember "square": right angled isosceles triangle 45º-45º-90º
    • Remember "right" angled scalene triangle 30º-60º-90º

    Watercolor colored pencils
    Tempera or gouache painting (white, yellow, magenta, cyan) in tube

    Watercolors (yellow, magenta, cyan) in tube

    Rubber and sharpener
    3 art brushes (small , medium , big) Please...to work with water

    Graphite pencil 2H
    Graphite pencil 2B
    Clean cloth (you have at home, you can reuse an old t-shirt)
    Small plastic water container (2 units)
    Pallet (plastic)


    Work coat (optional, may be an old shirt or shirt)
    Newspapers and magazines
    Removable memory
    Drawing notebook with margins

    Students must have their own material for the implementation of the programming. They will be able to share the watercolor pencils, markers, watercolors and gouache. In any case, the department will facilitate some of them. If you have any problems with the materials, do not hesitate to comment to the teacher.