lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

Who cares who? The women of our lives: grandmothers

 Do you know what your grandmother did? How was your leisure time? Were they going to the disco? How was it to fall in love with your grandfather? How did they get married? And after what? Did you take care of the children? Did you work at home, away or on both sides? Do you care? and do you have photos from that?

Look at how this artist pays homage to our grandmothers

JosebaMuruzábal homenajea a las supermujeres del entorno rural deGalicia

Joseba M. galicia-rural

And what are we going to do?

P1A. It consists of retrieving old photos owned by families, in which the grandmothers appear, digitizing them and writing a text related to the image.

Talking to the family, and asking for permission, we look for old photographs (before 1970) in which we can learn about aspects of the cultural heritage that is documented in family photographs. With these images we access a good part of cultural expressions that have already disappeared or are already unknown to the new generations. These cultural expresions wich our grandmothers were starring .

Intangible heritage consists mainly of knowledge, techniques, forms of organization or collective expression along with festive and family manifestations. It is located in the practices of daily life that are carried out by members of society and that have in the families the basic core.

Intangible culture is one that is experienced by bearers and, as such, is documented from the beginnings of photography. Images from family albums contain many of these manifestations and experiences that may be unfamiliar to students. Younger people need to know their recent past and be able to interpret it.

In this work of transmission and experience of the images, the involvement of the family is necessary to help understand the contexts where the documented cultural expressions took place and from there the students understand and express the image in a short text (maximum length 250 words in Galician Language).


P1B .The women of our life ... discovering the importance of women's work in our society through Galician art. It consists of looking for works by Galician plastic artists that represent the role of your grandmother in society. We will look for a PAINTING , we will make the technical file (data sheet) and a brief explanation about the work She was doing. Who cares who?

Once done we will make a digital mural (Padlet) with all the pictures.

Choose your favorite artwork and write the data sheet: 

Name of Artist:
Title of Artwork:
Year Completed:
Dimensions (cm):
Owner /Institution

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